CURRENT STUDENTS: With the recent addition of a final few students, all three VJC ensembles for 2024-25 (Tuesday night's Indigo Big Band, Thursday night's Cerulean Combo, and Saturday morning's Sapphire Big Band) are now all full groups. Thanks to so many students from across Maricopa County for your interest in VJC activities! We are privileged to work with you.
​​EDUCATORS: Check out the Flexible Instrumentation Big Band charts from VJC Publications. And hear this great new music on our YouTube channel. VJC Publications offers flex. charts that don't compromise. These are exceptional investments for your ensemble library: Great charts to have during your program's robust years...and total lifesavers during the occasional lean years, too. Please give them a look and a listen!
As a reminder, 100% of each purchase goes back into supporting the educational activities of the Valley Jazz Cooperative.

Using the links shown below—or by navigating with the drop-down menu—you can find media that document various VJC activities, including rehearsals and performances, festival appearances, podcasts, and so forth.
For the main VJC Facebook page, click HERE.
For the extensive photo galleries of previous VJC events (also on Facebook), click HERE.
For the main VJC YouTube page, click HERE. You will find both tutorials and select VJC performances there, including VJC Online virtual ensemble performances.
For episodes of the VJC Q&T (Questions & Tangents) podcast, click HERE, where you will find it on Simplecast, with extensive show notes and links related to the topics discussed. Or you can also listen to it through Apple Podcasts.